Male Factor Infertility: How to Increase Sperm Count Naturally

Male Factor Infertility: How to Increase Sperm Count Naturally

Male Factor Infertility: How to Increase Sperm Count Naturally

If you’re looking to increase sperm count naturally, know this: you’re not alone. Many couples struggle to conceive, and male-factor infertility problems are thought to be the cause of frustration in about one out of every three cases.

Male infertility can come in various forms, with all potentially contributing to a lowered chance of successfully conceiving. Some types of male factor infertility, such as erectile dysfunction and low libido, are obvious and easy to diagnose. While other types—low sperm count, poor sperm motility, and low testosterone—require specialized testing to diagnose.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to treat infertility, even with professional intervention such as a doctor prescribing medicine to increase sperm count. That said, there are a good number of options for those looking to boost male fertility, including tools for helping improve sperm quality and count.

In this article, we’ll be examining some of the more common causes of male-factor infertility and looking at some of the natural ways that you boost male fertility and naturally increase your sperm count.

Causes of Male Infertility

There is no one single cause of male infertility. In many cases, in fact, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what the primary reason for the issue is. The most common causes of male infertility include:

    • Genetics
    • Diet and activity levels
    • Drug and/or alcohol use
    • Weight
    • Existing or past infections or illnesses
    • General health
    • Dietary contaminants
    • Hormone imbalances
    • Certain medications

It’s important to note that while you may not know the precise cause behind your male factor infertility, by making healthy changes, you’ll still have a net-positive impact.

How Can I Increase Sperm Production and Improve Male Fertility?

We see this question a lot. Fortunately, there are some easy things that you can start doing right away to address the common issues behind male infertility. Here are seven of them.

1. Start an exercise routine

If you’re not already exercising regularly, now is the time to start. Men who are physically active have been shown to have healthier semen and higher testosterone levels than men who are sedentary, and it can have a more profound effect than dietary changes alone. Find something you like to do, such as riding your bike, playing pickleball, taking your dog for long walks, or lifting weights, and then make it part of your regular routine.

2. Consider supplements

If you want to increase sperm volume, vitamins and supplements are something to consider before hitting up your doctor for a prescription. Certain vitamins are essential for fertility and sperm health, and you might not even be aware that you’re not getting enough of them. These include zinc, vitamins C, E, and B12, selenium, Coenzyme Q10, and l-carnitine, Lycopene, to name a few.

Fertil Pro Men + L-Carnitine or Fertil Pro MTL supplements, for example, are a simple way to get everything you need for optimal reproductive health. Used in combination, they can support sperm health, including motility and vitality, as well as sperm quantity. Please, however, consult your physician before taking any reproductive health supplements.

3. Limit alcohol, tobacco, and drug use

Heavy alcohol consumption is closely linked to poor male reproductive function, including a deterioration of sperm health. Limit the number of drinks that you have per day and per week, or consider cutting out alcohol altogether and switching to healthier beverages while you seek to address infertility. In addition, tobacco products and some recreational drugs can potentially have an adverse effect on sperm count, sperm mobility, and even sperm shape, and need to be avoided as well while trying to conceive.

4. Eat foods that increase sperm count

There are lots of foods that increase sperm count, including dark, leafy greens, oranges, pumpkin seeds, salmon, and Brazil nuts. Make a point of introducing more of these foods into your diet, in addition to consuming foods that provide more of the vitamins you need for better fertility in general, such as citrus fruits for vitamin C and legumes for zinc. As a bonus, these types of foods are healthy and low in calories, which can help you drop any extra weight—another possible cause of male infertility.

5. Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential in boosting fertility, as men with a body mass index (BMI) over 28 have been shown to have lower sperm counts. Excess weight can also cause an imbalance in your reproductive hormone levels, with lowered testosterone and increased estrogen both negatively impacting sperm production.

In addition to exercising, try to keep your BMI between 21 to 26 by focusing on eating a well-balanced diet that is high in protein and fiber.

6. Avoid environmental toxins

Research has shown that certain occupations can affect male fertility due to the environmental toxins the male is exposed to in their profession or hobby. For instance, farmers, painters, and varnishers were found to have a significantly lower sperm count than men who worked in other careers, as did metalworkers and welders. Limiting your exposure to potentially damaging toxins can have a profound impact on male factor infertility issues.  

7. Stay cool

High temperatures in excess of 98.6 degrees F can damage sperm – that’s why the male reproductive organs are outside the body. In order to keep things cool down there, researchers suggest the following:

  • Avoid hot tubs
  • Stay mobile throughout the day
  • Refrain from using seat warmers
  • Keep laptops on a table or desk
  • Wear breathable bottoms and avoid compression garments

Let YadTech help you increase sperm count naturally. Learn more about our male fertility supplements and make the positive changes your body requires for optimal sperm count, quality, and mobility.

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